Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Spews Hate and His Apology Was Only to Keep Advertisers

Rush Limbaugh's apology was pathetic:

Limbaugh said Saturday on his website that he had chosen the wrong words in his comments about law student Sandra Fluke. He said he "did not intend a personal attack" on her.

He uttered the weakest of apologies for one reason--his advertisers were running from him for being the hate monger he is. It is all about money and his shameless worship of himself.

Many people have forgotten his drug habit and embracing of the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable seizures when Limbaugh challenged law enforcement's right to his medical records, such records proving that he secured pain killers from several doctors. Recall that Limbaugh sent his own employee to secure drugs for him.

Don't get me wrong. I think drugs are an illness and the criminal prosecution of drug addicts is a waste of public resources and human lives. But the fact is that Limbaugh was a criminal drug addict and got away with it.

Now Limbaugh is only addicted to himself, so much so that he has no sense of the vitriolic hate that he spews. He crossed the line and his weak apology doesn't do it for me.

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